The Prolactin Hormone

Female Fertility

Fertility problems and Prolactin treatment – at the level of consciousness according to Dimensions Therapy.

Over time, more and more male and female patients have been coming to us with fertility problems – a familiar phenomenon that is becoming more common over the years.

Dimensions Therapy knows how to treat a wide range of fertility problems among men and women.

In the new curriculum (to be published soon during the graduation ceremony), it will be possible to enrich and deepen your knowledge of fertility as part of an internship, in 12
in-depth sessions that cover most pathologies and physiological states at the cognitive level, and treatment methods.

Today, we will review and describe an innocent hormone that can cause quite a few problems getting pregnant.

The hormone we’re talking about is Prolactin. Prolactin is a protein the size of 198 amino acids, and is responsible for producing milk in the body of a breastfeeding woman.

When a baby’s lips touch their mother’s breast, the wisdom of nature causes secretion of Prolactin, which, in turn, increases milk production during breastfeeding.

Prolactin receptors are found in almost all cells of the body, including in the brain, where it controls the process of myelin production.

Secretion of this hormone is regulated by an ‘inhibitory hormone’ secreted by the hypothalamus called the Prolactin Inhibitory Factor (PIF).

Prolactin secretion is suppressed by the inhibitory hormone that is secreted by the hypothalamus, except, of course, when the mother needs to breastfeed.

Hence, a malfunction/damage to the hypothalamus will increase secretion of the hormone due to the lack of secretion of the inhibitory hormone.

Increasing the Prolactin hormone may cause secretion of milk not only during breastfeeding, cessation of the menstrual cycle, a whitish secretion from the breast, and disruption and problems getting pregnant.

What explanation does Dimensions Therapy have for this disorder at the level of consciousness?

You can find the answer in the video.

Enrichment for Dimensions Therapy therapists:

Tip for the treatment room from the second year up:

The impulse to feed should be investigated. If the impulse to feed is too strong, it could indicate a conscious tendency to feed offspring and family, among other things, because of the fear of not being a good and nourishing mother. Low feeding impulses may indicate a conscious tendency to stay nourished due to the burdens that feeding the family creates, including the fear of ‘not being taken care of’.

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