Integrative Medicine Courses Usa

Integrative Medicine Courses Usa

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine (IM) is a healing-oriented medicine considering the person as the totality of the aspects of his lifestyle. Integrative medicine focuses on you as a person and not only on his illness. It does seek to understand the underlying cause of disease symptoms, but it does so by looking at the mind, body and spirit, believing that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs affect our health.

Integrative medicine combines conventional medicine with complementary treatments, while searching for the right treatment for each person. It brings together the drugs and psychotherapy from traditional medicine, with complementary treatments such as acupuncture, yoga and more. At the basis of the search for the most suitable treatment for the patient, are the relationships between the therapist and the patient and being equal partners in the healing process.

Integrative medicine practitioners can come from a variety of fields and specialties: doctors, chiropractors, holistic psychotherapists, acupuncturists, herbalists, tai chi practitioners, yoga teachers, massage therapists, nutritionists and chefs who practice culinary medicine. Sometimes certain therapists from this list work together to heal your mind, body and spirit.

Who can benefit from integrative medicine?

Many people can benefit from this type of medicine, including people who are fundamentally healthy. Integrative medicine can help with a variety of problems and diseases – acute and chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, respiratory disorders, cancer and side effects related to it, headaches and migraines, digestive system disorders, fertility, menstrual problems, menopause symptoms, obesity, mental problems, high blood pressure, and more.

The principles of integrative treatment

 The patient and the practitioner are partners in the healing process.

– All factors affecting health and illness are taken into account, including the mind, mood and community.

– Adequate use of both conventional and alternative methods facilitates the body’s innate healing response.

– Natural methods should be used, as much as possible, and invasive interventions as little as possible.

– Good medicine is based on good science. It is driven by inquiry and open to new paradigms.

– Those who practice integrative medicine should apply its principles and be committed to self-investigation and self-development.

Integrative Medicine Courses Usa

Treatments and results

 Integrative medicine can improve the quality of life and may reduce the need, at least partially, for necessary drugs. There are known cases of patients with stage 4 cancer who were granted a remission in the intensity of the word, there are testimonies of insulin-dependent diabetic patients who almost stopped using insulin due to an improvement in their condition, and also patients with high blood pressure who managed to achieve good control of their condition following integrative medicine treatments in combination with herbs and supplements food.

Courses in integrative medicine

 Today you can find quite a few online courses of integrative medicine. These courses are actually practical training courses that deal, among other things, with the complex relationship between what we eat and the way we think, feel and communicate with the world. Course participants receive information about safe and effective holistic approaches that can help therapists and patients achieve optimal health and quality of life while treating common mental health issues – anxiety, schizophrenia and PTSD. In addition, the courses provide a variety of scientific disciplines that have been proven to improve mood, physical health and mental state.

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