Holistic Medicine Courses Online

Holistic Medicine Courses Online

Holistic medicine – Heal the person, not the disease

The basic thinking in Holistic Medicine is an overall view of a person in the most complete way, and not a specific focus on his medical problem. It refers to the to the social environment that the patient lives in – his family, friends andworkplace, his nutrition habits, lifestyle, quality and quantity of sleep, physical activity or the lack of it, and also the amount of pressure and stress in his life.

The holistic treatment has one goal – to identify and get to the root of the problem. Then, from there he begin to treat the patient. This is, perhaps, the most striking expression in the differences in approaches between holistic medicine and traditional medicine.

For example, when a person comes to be treated for an Allergy, he will usually receive anti-allergic treatment in clinics and hospitals using pills or injections, which may solve his momentary allergy outbreak, but will not give him an answer to the basic problem that will probably lead to further outbreaks.

The same patient who accesses holistic treatment will receive a therapist who will try to understand what led to the outbreak of the allergy in the first place – perhaps it is related to the stress the patient was under, or to his diet or the environment in which helives. He will examine all these factors and, no less important, he will try to identify and investigate internal processes happening in the body and treat them.


Holistic medicine course

Holistic medicine is based on the belief that unconditional love and support are the most powerful foundation and form of healing for us, and are ultimately responsible for health and well-being.

In the course of holistic medicine we are taught the principle that every person has innate healing powers. Holistic medicine based on the believe that the person should be cured, not the disease.

To this end, the healing takes a teamwork approach in which the patient and the doctor must beinvolved, but also other factors in the patient’s life, in order to locate the real problem and not treat its symptoms.

A holistic therapist (who has taken a holistic medicine course online or in a face-to-face classroom) knows how to use a variety oftreatment techniques to help patients take responsibility for themselves and thus achieve good health. For example, it can be treated through education of the patient that will lead to a change in lifestyle such as diet, physical activity, psychotherapy, spiritual counseling, medicinal herbs and more

Holistic Medicine Courses Online

Holistic psychotherapy

One of the main courses in holistic medicine is a course in holistic psychotherapy – a developing field that is considered the one of the leading field today, and receives worldwide recognition.

The late realization that there is a fundamental error in the division between body and mind in the treatments and research of traditional medicine in the last two centuries; led to the development of fields such as holistic physiotherapy.

The exposure to different cultures, philosophies andapproaches, led to the integration of concepts of body and mind processes. The holistic model is based on processes of recognition and consciousness, touch and movement, imagination and metaphors, breathing and meditation, energy flow and body work. All ofthese can create mechanisms and mind-body connections in the processes of treatment and change.

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