Gnm Healthcare Consulting

Gnm Healthcare Consulting

The German New Medicine  – GNM is a holistic medical approach, based on a series of revolutionary discoveries and insights on diseases and healing, which were discovered starting in 1980 by Dr. Ricky Gerd Hammer from Germany. Dr. Hammer was a student of conventional medicine and practice it at the time of his first discovery about cancer. He believed that the discovery would be a significant contribution to the treatment of cancer patients, but the medical establishment did not accept his discoveries.

This rejection led him to the development of the new medicine as an independent approach to medicine, which allows for a detailed, in-depth and accurate understanding of the causes of various cancers and other diseases, while understanding the logic assimilated in the way which a disease develops and the physiological processes that occur during illness.

The German New Medicine presents a complete scientific model, built on solid scientific foundations. One of the main tools for diagnosis within the approach is CT scans of the brain. Several different groups of researchers, who examined CT scans of the brain in cancer patients, in an attempt to test Dr. Hamer’s thesis; They found that the results were 100% consistent with the discoveries of the new medicine.

According to the German New Medicine, a correct understanding of the approach and the correct application of its meanings can save many cancer patients the suffering associated with conventional aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, and in many cases also avoid surgery.

According to the doctors working in the framework of the German New Medicine, the discoveries are so revolutionary in relation to the concepts of conventional medicine, that they actually create an infrastructure for a new type of medicine, which incorporates precise understandings of the relationship between the body and the mind.

The claim is that the discoveries and insights of the German New Medicine allow in many cases a much more effective use of the benefits of each of the existing treatment and healing methods – both of conventional Western medicine and of the complementary and alternative medicines of all kinds.

The German New Medicine discovered a model that it claims to be the only model that exists in medicine today, that allows to discover and prove in a scientific way what are the real causes (physical and emotional) of most types of diseases, including the different types of cancer diseases.

Gnm Healthcare Consulting

How did the new medicine develop?

Dr. Reiki Gerd Hammer was born in 1935 in Germany. By the age of 26, he had completed several degrees at the University of Tübingen, including a degree in medicine. He specialized in internal medicine with an emphasis on the treatment of cancer patients. In addition to all this, Dr. Hamer developed a number of medical devices, including a surgical knife that cuts with a sharpness 20 times higher than a razor, a special bone saw for plastic surgery, and more.

A few months after losing his young son in a shooting accident, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Having been a healthy man all his life, Dr. Hammer hypothesized that the development of cancer was directly related to the trauma of losing his son. He began researching the histories of his cancer patients, and he soon discovered that they all experienced some kind of unexpected shock before the disease developed.

After examining the CT scans of the patients’ brains, the doctor discovered that every disease is created as a result of a shock, conflict or trauma that takes us by surprise. The shock hits a specific area of ​​the brain, which can be identified on a CT scan, and from this Dr. Hamer concluded that the brain has a role as a mediator between the mind and the sick organ.

Dr. Hamer called the shock phenomenon DHS – Dirk Hamer Syndrom, in memory of his son Dirk. He discovered that DHS simultaneously damages three layers: the psychological (the mental-emotional system), the brain, and one of the body’s organs or tissues.

Dr. Hamer noticed that all the processes he discovered actually behave according to clear and fixed laws. He called these laws “The five biological laws of new medicine”. All the discoveries led to Dr. Hamer’s documented treatment of about 40 thousand cases, which proved the five laws he discovered.

Dr. Hamer’s research fundamentally undermines the existing theories in conventional medicine, which believe that various diseases such as cancer are accidental or happen as a fault of nature. Despite all of his discoveries, the traditional medical establishment refused to recognize his discoveries and did everything to denounce him. He faced the risk of arrest in several countries on the grounds of fraud, and he even served a prison sentence in a Germany.

Throughout his life and even after his death, many doctors continued to use the approach he invented under the title GNM – German New Medicine.

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